Thursday, July 23, 2009


Well, as many of you know I leave for Michigan in a couple of days. I don't want to go. Yes I know I volunteered and yes it should be a lot of fun but I hate leaving my family. I don't know how Jeff does it. I will only be gone for 5 days but it seems like forever. To top it off I have never been east of Colorado and I am going to Michigan. I cry every night hoping that Jeff will let me stay home but it hasn't worked yet. This makes me wonder how bad it will be when we move to Alabama for 2 years. I hate writing mopey blogs but I really needed to get this out. I will take lots of pics and post them. Oh and I get to have dinner with the General of the Utah National Guard so that should be fun. Wish me luck and I will miss you all. Love, Chelsea

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